• Book Reviews,  Featured

    One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston: Book Review

    One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston has quickly become one of my favorite books. I am… completely obsessed with this novel. The romance was just perfect. Throughout each page of August and Jane’s story, I was reminded that this, this…

  • Book Reviews

    The Road Trip by Beth O’Leary: Book Review

    At this point, I’m ready to admit that second-chance romance might be my favorite trope. I love the idea of the two leads starting with all this history behind them rather than building from the ground up. It just helps…

  • Book Reviews

    A Wilderness of Stars by Shea Ernshaw: Book Review

    As someone who loves YA fantasy/dystopian stories and romanticizes the stars a little too intensely, I felt like A Wilderness of Stars by Shea Ernshaw was made to my very specific tastes. Despite the slower pace of this adventure, I…

  • Book Tags & Awards

    New Year’s Book Tag 2024

    We are officially into the new year! In 2023 I kind of fell off the face of the blog earth. But now that we’re into 2024, I am trying to be intentional about giving my time and priorities to the…

  • Book Reviews

    Forget Me Not by Alyson Derrick: Book Review

    Forget Me Not by Alyson Derrick cracked my heart open and then healed it like it was no big deal. With a premise like this one, I anticipated many tear-filled moments while reading, and boy, was I not wrong. Believe…

  • Recommendations

    My Favorite Reads of 2023

    Looking over my Goodreads challenge for the year, I realized I wound up reading a good amount of books. And in review, some of those books stuck with me a lot more than others did. I thought it might be…

  • Wrap-Ups

    Looking Ahead to 2024: A 2023 Yearly Wrap-Up

    Some years bring with them more change than others, and 2023 was definitely a year of big changes for me. Lots of really great things happened – and a lot of not-so-good things too. I gained a lot and experienced…