January 2021: Monthly Wrap-Up
Hello friends! Happy 2021 (again)! How has the new year been treating you? For me, it’s been a busy few weeks! I started a new job, and while I looove it, it’s also been keeping me preeetty busy! (Which is why I haven’t been able to read and comment on as many of your blog posts as I would have liked to. 😓)
That being said, I’ve finally gotten myself back into the groove of working full-time (and having to travel daily for my job, my commute is an hour each way…) My goal for the next month is to take it easy and enjoy my free time when I can manage to find some in my busy schedule. I’ve started some good habits in the last little while, like journalling, exercising more consistently and meditating before bed; so I’d like to keep them up as the semester gets even busier. 😤
Besides working I’ve spent most of my time reading and (back) playing Animal Crossing, haha. My city is still in lockdown, so there’s not much else to do. 🤷🏻♀️ (It’s also a great game to play while listening to audiobooks!) Check out this photo I took of my first lily of the valley to sprout up on my island! ✨ It popped up right in the middle of my little outdoor library. The absolutely perfect spot! 🥰

Between Valentine’s Day and my birthday coming up in February, I’m super excited for the next month! I hope you all have a lovely one too (filled with lots and lots of chocolate)~ 💝
Books Read:
I started out the new year strong by reading 10 books in January! Some of which – Evelyn Hardcastle, I’m looking at you – were very long! On top of that, 6 of them were ARCs?! (Lmao, I have NO IDEA how I managed that.) I’ve already posted my reviews for most of them, but I can’t wait to share my thoughts on The Gilded Ones with you all! Such a fabulous read! 🤩

Next Month’s TBR:
I went on a little – okay, big – requesting spree a while ago… and so Jan/Feb/March of this year are going to be very ARC review heavy, haha. You’ve been warned! (There are just SO MANY incredible books coming out?!?! I couldn’t help myself…) 🙈

How is 2021 treating you?
Do you have anything exciting planned for February?
Let me know!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.
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