Book Tags & Awards

New Year’s Book Tag 2024

We are officially into the new year! In 2023 I kind of fell off the face of the blog earth. But now that we’re into 2024, I am trying to be intentional about giving my time and priorities to the things I love (like reading and blogging).

So when I saw this tag over on Twirling Book Princess‘s blog, I thought it would be a fun book tag to try out!

How many books are you planning to read in 2024?

Last year I set a reading goal of 50 books… which I later amended to 40 books when I knew there was no way I would make it. (Though I kind of got close near the end.) 😅 This year I’ve set my reading challenge to 40 books, but I’m also not feeling very strict about it. I intend to simply read however many books I get to, and that’s that. If it’s more than 40, great. Less than 40? That’s great too.

Name 5 books you didn’t get to in 2023 but want to make a priority in 2024

There are always, at all times, many books I haven’t gotten to that I want to read. 😂 The titles that stand out most to me right now are:

  1. Wayward by Emilia Hart
  2. Starling House by Alix. E. Harlow
  3. The London Seance Society by Sarah Penner
  4. The House on the Cerulean Sea by T. J. Klune
  5. One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston

What genre do you want to read more of?

I don’t want to bind myself to reading a specific genre this year. I’ve always been a mood reader and I want to give myself the freedom to choose stories that inspire me regardless of their genre. I would like to prioritize reading novels by queer and women authors, but I already do that.

Name 3 non-book-related goals for 2024

I am being very flexible with myself this year when it comes to “goals.” I’ve even begun calling them “hopes” in a bid to make them sound less demanding. (As in, I hope I achieve them, but if not I won’t have failed anything). All that being said, 3 things I’d like to achieve this year are:

  1. Find more enjoyment in my choices of entertainment
  2. Figure out my written voice
  3. Prioritize what matters to me

What’s a book you’ve had forever that you still need to read?

How do I pick just one? My fiancee recently told me that she thinks I don’t collect books to read them, just to hoard them, and she’s not exactly wrong. 😂 One book I’ve had for a long time that I still need to read is The Priority of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. It stares at me from its untouched perch on my bookshelf every time I enter my living room.

Me to my many shelves of unread books

One word that you’re hoping 2023 will be

✨ Hopeful! ✨

What books are you looking forward to reading this year?

Let me know!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.


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