The Sunshine Blogger Award
I want to thank Ariel from The Book View for tagging me in this award! ☀️
(You should go check out her blog, it’s fabulous and so, so pretty. 😍)

What is The Sunshine Blogger Award?
The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.
How does it work?
- Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
- Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
My responses:
1. Why did you decide to become a book blogger?
I used to LOVE reading. Forget carrying one book around with you, when *I* was a teen, I used to carry around multiple because I’d devour them so quickly. When I got to college a lot of that changed. I never seemed to have the time to read anymore, and so it became one of those special things I’d only really get to do to the extent I wanted while on vacation. When COVID hit, I was suddenly caught with more time on my hands than I had had in years. I finally began reading again.
And once I started, it was impossible to stop. ☺️
2. What’s the best book you’ve read this year?
I’ve read so many phenomenal books this year it’s hard to choose just one! But if I really had to pick I’d say that the best book I read this year (and that also came out this year) was Fable by Adrienne Young. It was just SO GOOD – and that cliff-hanger? OMG.
3. Do you generally only read one book at a time or multiple?
Multiple, always. 🤗 I’ve always got at least one book in print format, one ebook, and one audiobook ongoing at any time.
4. What’s your favorite book to movie adaptation?
To All The Boys I Loved Before! It was just… SUCH a good movie. 🥺 When it came out it had been so long since I’d seen a Really Good new rom-com that made me feel the same way watching my old favorite rom-coms used to make me feel as a teen. And it did that. SO WELL.
5. What’s your favorite series right now?
It would have to be The Gilded Wolves trilogy by Roshani Chokshi! I just finished reading The Silvered Serpents and it was SOO GOOOOD!! I can’t even. I need to know how the series ends.
6. Do you listen to music while you read?
No, but I do listen to ASMR! I actually just wrote a post where I recommended some of my favorite ASMRtists to listen to while reading. You can check it out here if you’re curious. ✨
7. What genre are you mainly reading right now?
Honestly… all of them??? 😂 I’m very indiscriminate when it comes to book genres. I actually prefer my variety. 🤷🏻♀️
8. Do you prefer reading ebooks or physical books?
This is such a toss up! But if I really had to pick I’d have to choose ebooks. I love the feel of a hardcover book in my hand, but ebooks are so much more convenient, and also easier to read in bed! 😝
9. Who’s your favorite author of all time? Why?
Jane Austen. 💗 I just LOVE her works. They’re just the epitome of literary romance for me, I don’t know what else to say. One might even say, if I loved them less, I might be able to talk about it more… lol
10. Who’s one of your favorite book bloggers?
You should check out my nomination list. 😉
11.What advice do you have for beginner book bloggers?
I feel like my advice might not be that strong given that *I’m* still very much a beginner book blogger, but I’d have to say when in doubt, follow your heart.
Read the books you want to read (not just the ones that will bring you “notoriety”). Review the ones you’re passionate about (and you don’t have to review every single book you read). Be honest and open; I feel like my best blog posts are the ones where I’m the most authentically me. And, of course, have fun! 🥰
Nominated Bloggers:
I’d like to nominate:
- Dorothy from Starlit Shelves
- O and D from O.D. Book Reviews
- Ali from In the Lost & Found
- Karla from Another Bookworm
- Chiara from Heavenly Bookish
- Kay from Hammock of Books
- Hayley from Rather Too Fond of Books
- Raji from Worlds Unlike Our Own
- Em from Ravenclaw Em
- Flora from Flora’s Musings
- Erin from Reading On A Star
My Questions:
(I tried to include both book-related and general blogging questions. I hope they’re fun to answer! 😅)
- When did you start your blog?
- What motivated you to start your blog?
- What is your absolute favorite thing about reading?
- If you could only read one genre for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What is your favorite thing about blogging?
- What is something you wish you’d known before starting your blog?
- What is your all-time favorite novel?
- Who is your ultimate favorite author?
- If you had to describe yourself using three literary characters, who would they be?
- What advice do you have for beginner bloggers?
- What’s your favorite post you’ve ever written? (Link it below!) ☺️
Happy reading!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.

Mystery Blogger Award
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Ravenclaw Em
Thanks for the tag! I can’t wait to answer your questions 😁
Liza @ The Inharmonious Heroine
No problem – I look forward to reading your answers! ☺️
erin @ Reading On A Star
Thank you SO much for the nomination, you have an amazing blog🥰❤️
Liza @ The Inharmonious Heroine
Obviously we both just have INCREDIBLE taste 😝 You’re welcome and omg you’re so kind – you have an amazing blog too! 💕
erin @ Reading On A Star
hahah yes😏😏
I agree with so many of your answers 😄 I stopped reading in college, too. It’s only until I graduated that I went back to reading and I’m SO glad I did! To All the Boys I’ve Learned Before is just such a perfect rom-com. It nails that teen rom-com gushy vibe so well!
Ahhh I’m jealous you got to read The Silvered Serpents already! It’s my current favorite series as well, I’m not ready for another cliff hanger I have to wait another year for though 😭
Liza @ The Inharmonious Heroine
OMG I’m obsessed with The Gilded Wolves series, it’s just sooo good! Tell me about it, I don’t know how I’m going to wait to read the third book. 😭 And no problem, I look forward to reading your answers! 💕
Also thanks for nominating me! I’m excited to answer your questions 💖
Stuart Danker
I too agree that the feel of a real book is the best, but when it comes to convenience, nothing beats not having to hold the pages open while eating or lying down, which is why I’ve been reading a lot on my Kindle lately.
Liza @ The Inharmonious Heroine
Totally, I read mostly on my Kindle app on my iPad and it’s just *so* convenient!
I love your responses! I used to devour books as a teen as well. Thank you so much for nominating me! I love the questions you came up with. I’m looking forward to getting on this soon!
Liza @ The Inharmonious Heroine
Of course! I hope you have fun with it! 🥰
I just saw this!! Thank you sooo much for the nomination! It really means a lot 🥺💕
Liza @ The Inharmonious Heroine
No problem, I hope you enjoy it! 🥰