November 2022: Monthly Wrap-Up
How is it already December? I feel like 2022 has just whizzed right by. It’s hard to believe it’ll be a whole new year in less than 4 weeks.
Are you excited for the holiday season? I know I, for one, am. The yummy food and drinks, the break from work, getting to spend time with my friends and family from near and far. What’s not to love?
I jumped on the holiday hype train pretty early this year. I think just with the stress of work and the busyness of life, it’s been nice to contemplate a time when things slow down, and seeing your loved ones is your only priority. We decorated our tree and hung our stockings the other week, and have spent the past couple of weekends shopping at cute stores and local craft markets to pick out lots of gifts. And between drinking lots of peppermint hot chocolate or warm cranapple cider, eating sugar cookies, and prepping my gingerbread cookie dough, it’s felt pretty holiday-y in my house. ⛄️🎄✨

Books Read:
I read so many good books this past month! I’ve been reading a lot of mystery/thrillers over the past few months, and I think I may be finally starting to crave different stories. I’ve got my eyes on a lot of romance novels lately, so I guess we’ll have to see if that comes to fruition or if another genre of story piques my interest! Do you go through genre reading phases, or am I the only one?

Next Month’s TBR:
I’m so excited to spend some time over the holiday break reading these fun (and sapphic 💕) ARCs publishers were kind enough to send to me!

What did you read during the month of November?
Are you looking forward to the holiday season?
Let me know!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.
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You and I both read “The Weight of Blood,” but my completed reads were fewer than yours.
Liza | Literary Liza
Haha, I have my long commute and numerous audiobooks to thank for my read count!
I remember those days. That’s the only reason why I miss long commutes, I can no longer listen to my audiobooks.