
November & December 2021: Monthly Wrap-Up

Happy New Year, friends! 🎉 Did you celebrate late into the night? Or did you turn in before the clock struck 12? For the first time in the past couple of years my partner and I actually made it to midnight (🙈)… but that was because we were stuck at the airport waiting to grab our luggage! 😮‍💨

Yes, I spent New Year’s Eve on an airplane, returning home from a trip to see the relatives. ✈️ I’m so grateful to be able to spend the holidays with my family after not being able to see them for almost two years and missing out on spending the holidays with them last year. 🎄

While some parts of the holiday break were more busy than they were relaxing – especially after spending last year with only my partner for company – I still managed to find some time to cuddle up and rest a little for at least a few days. I caught up on my reading, even watched a few TV shows, drank lots and lots of hot chocolate and bailey’s, and ate a whole bunch of holiday treats. I also got to share my hometown with my partner again, which is always super special. 🥰

Also, if you remember, back in October I talked about doing NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. So if you’re wondering if I finished it, well then, the answer is… no! Whoops. 😅 No, November ended up being a little busier than I expected, and I wasn’t able to write consistently. In fact, I finished the month writing just over 5k (so about 10% of my goal).

But I have to admit, I’m really not upset about that? This is my first time trying to write a novel, so ANY amount of words feels like a success to me. 🤗 Plus! This story idea is ALL mine, so I can continue to work on it whenever I want! I’m definitely not finished with it yet. And that is what’s truly exciting. ✨

Books Read:

To finish off the year, I read a total of 21 books over the past two months!! 😱 Which means not only did I meet my Goodreads goal for the year, but I surpassed it by 25 books, reading a total of 100 books in 2021! I’m honestly flabbergasted I managed to do so, but I’m definitely not complaining. 🎉

How were your holidays?

Did you get lots of reading done?

What are you looking forward to in January?

Let me know!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.


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