
October 2020: Monthly Wrap-Up

Goodbye, October. Hello, November! (I’d say goodbye fall, hello winter… but let’s be real, here in Canada we’re already well into winter.) Yes, it’s been solidly snowing for the past two weeks – so it’s a good thing I’m a fan of the snow! ☃️

In fact, I LOVE it! 😍 With COVID cases in my city starting to climb again, and a provincial-wide second phase declaration very likely in the near future, I’ve been spending even more time than before at home. And I have to say, the weather has made it much more bearable. It’s hard to feel bad about being cooped up indoors when it’s snowing heavily outside and freezing cold! 🥶 Instead, I’ve found myself curling up inside under a pile of warm blankets, drinking lots of hot tea and reading good books. 🍵📚

Maybe that’s how I managed to finish so many again this month! That and the fact that now we’re solidly into the school year I’ve finally settled into the swing of things and have found ~my groove.~ Either way, I’m not complaining! ☺️

This was also my first year living in a house for Halloween since moving out of my parents place years ago, so I was super excited to hand out candy to the neighbourhood kids! 👻 We only had a few kids come by – WAY less than we bought candy for, haha – but they were super cute so it was still rewarding. My partner and I spent the rest of the night tucked in, watching Halloween-themed movies and eating roasted pumpkin seeds. 🧡🍿🎬

Check out the gengar pumpkin I carved! 🎃

Books Read:

I can’t believe I managed to read so many books again this month! After reading a whopping 15 books in October I’m clocking in at 84 books this entire year!!! That’s so many! My Goodreads challenge is set at 50 books… and it looks like I might even double that by the end of the December!!???? Ya girl is SHOOK. 😮

I read some really good books again this month! My personal favourites were Know My Name by Chanel Miller, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig and Furia by Yamile Saied Mendez. ✨

Next Month’s TBR:

How was your October?

What are you excited about in November?

Let me know!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.


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