
September & October 2022: Fall Monthly Wrap-Up

Brr, brr, brr! ❄️ I don’t know about where you live – but as I write this my weather app reads -20℃ and I am feeling it.

Luckily I’ve got my fireplace roaring, a cozy blanket on top of me, and a kitty purring in my lap. 🥰 The perfect spot to get in some good reading! That’s definitely one thing about the cold – it makes it so much more appealing to stay in and read (not that I need convincing).

Unfortunately, with the way things have been going for me right now, there hasn’t been a ton of time to spend reading (or blogging 🙈). My work has been a little hectic lately, not gonna lie, but because of that – and the ridiculous weather – I’ve been spending a lot of time in my car lately… which means I’ve had the opportunity to listen to a lot of audiobooks! (Silver lining, right? 😉)

And that has been fun. I’ve listened to a lot of murder mysteries and thrillers, which has been perfect for the ~spooky~ season. 👻 Though, I have to admit that I really miss reading physical and e-books as well as blogging. (As I write this my fiancée just exclaimed, ‘you haven’t blogged in forever!’) I want to prioritize both of those more this next month. So hopefully, I’ll be able to report all the wonderful physical/e-books I got to read in my next month’s wrap-up. With some reviews uploaded in the between too! (Fingers crossed 🤞)

I also got to post my first-ever author interview with the one, the only, Deb Caletti! I’ve been obsessed with her writing since I picked up Honey, Baby, Sweetheart from my library shelf more than 10 years ago, so it was such an incredible experience to interview her! 🤩

How about y’all? How was your October? Did you get lots of kiddos knocking on your door for Halloween? We’re in a new neighborhood this year and we got the largest number of Trick or Treaters we’ve ever gotten. So that was fun! 🎃🍬

Books Read:

Next Month’s TBR:

I’ve been making my way through A Wilderness of Stars for a while now, and I’ve been really enjoying it, so I’m looking forward to spending some more time with it! 💫✨ I’m also pumped to start The Weight of Blood, it sounds like the perfect spooky read!

How was your fall?

Anything you’re looking forward to this winter?

Let me know!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.

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