
2022 in Review & 2023 Resolutions: Yearly Wrap-Up

2022 was a big year for me! The biggest surprise being that I got ENGAGED! ✨ And, somehow, I anticipate 2023 will be just as busy. Between planning my wedding and studying for my professional exam, there is a lot to keep me on my toes over the next 12 months!

With all my responsibilities this year, it has been hard to prioritize blogging as much as I maybe would have wanted to. Because , even when I wasn’t that busy it was sometimes hard to motivate myself to post because I was feeling uninspired. I never want this blog to feel like a burden, so making sure that I took time away from it and only posted when I was really feeling motivated was so important for me this past year. Yes, this meant I posted less, but I think it was worth it in the end.

Along those lines, in 2023 I want to make myself and my needs a priority. I find it way too easy to be swayed by feeling like I should be doing more, even when I know it’s too much. I’m just not the best at always listening to that inner voice that tries to remind me as much.

So, I want to make 2023 a year of focusing on what I want to be devoting my time to – and not what I feel like I should be. Hopefully, that will mean more quality time with my little family (my loving fiancée and my two adorable kitties), focusing more time on my interests like baking and crafting, and of course, carving out space in my schedule for my everlasting love of reading (and, of course, reviewing). 💕

My 2022 Reading Goals:

1. Read 50 books in 2022.

Back at it again, reaching my reading goals for the third year in a row! 💪💥 I told myself at the beginning of 2022 that I wanted to read fewer books over the year, but try and enjoy them more. I think I did this successfully! I read a lot of really great books in 2022!

2. Write 2 book reviews a month.

Oh, naive Liza. I remember thinking that 2 book reviews a month would be an easy goal to maintain. Boy, was I wrong. 🙈 And I definitely struggled to write as many reviews as I wanted to. That being said, I did write a total of 20 reviews this year, which I think is pretty good all things considered! 🤷🏻‍♀️

My New Years Resolutions:

1. Read 50 books.

It’s a new year, and you know what that means. Time for a new reading goal! Just like last year I’m hoping to read another 50 books again in 2023. And I’m excited about it! There are so many fantastic books out there and I can’t wait to read even more of them! 😍

2. Write 20 book reviews.

Yes, despite failing to meet my review goal from last year, I found it very motivating to have a review goal. And at the end of the day, that’s the point of a new year’s resolution: to motivate. So, here I am, back at it again, stating my intention of writing more book reviews in 2023! Rather than focus on a monthly goal (which I don’t think offers the flexibility I need with my ever-changing schedule), I’m going for an overall goal this year: to review 20 books total! Wish me all the luck. I am going to need it… 🫣

Did you achieve all your 2022 goals?

What are you hoping to accomplish in 2023?

Let me know!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.

One Comment

  • itsKoo

    Ahhh! Congratulations on getting engaged. So exciting! I found out review slumps are a thing and it was hard writing as many as I wanted last year as well. I hope we meet our goals this year!

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