
December 2020: Monthly Wrap-Up

Happy New Year’s Eve!! 🍾 I hope you’re all having a wonderful time ringing in the new year, whether it’s cuddled up on the couch in your PJs, or getting wasted at a Zoom party (lol). 2020 has been quite the year. And I can’t say I’m too sad about seeing it go! Not that it being the year 2021 will reaaaally make that much of a difference to our circumstances… 🤷🏻‍♀️

But even still, there’s something about the start of a new year that brings a sense of excitement and anticipation for all the possibilities that might come with it. So I hope you’ve got something to look forward to in the new year, and you can toast to that tonight. 🥂

December is always one of my favorite months of the year, mostly because of that incredibly lazy week between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day where there’s literally nothing to do and no expectation that you’re doing anything besides sitting on your couch and eating leftover holiday chocolates. Yum. 🤤

(Doubly so this year since my province is currently in lockdown.)

Yes, the holidays definitely looked different this year. But my partner and I worked really hard to make the most of our circumstances, and honestly, we totally did! We actually had a lovely, quiet Christmas this year, and it was really, really nice. 🥰

I spent a lot of my free time this month catching up on TV shows and movies that I’d been meaning to watch for a while. So, I did end up doing a little less reading than the couple previous months. But, I wound up reading quite a number of great books AND I managed to find some awesome shows to binge watch! So, all in all, a total win.

In particular, I highly recommend The Wilds for fans of YA dystopian novels. This show is like Lost meets Lord of the Flies – but all women! My partner and I binged it in a way we haven’t binge ANYTHING since like Game of Thrones season 3… lol. Seriously, it was that good. 🍿

Books Read:

I read another 11 books this month! Which brings my yearly total to 110 books!!! 😮 I’ll be doing a yearly wrap-up post in the next couple days, so I’ll go into more detail about all the different books I read this year there. But I will say that my reading challenge for 2020 was 50 books – which at the time I thought was almost too many to be achievable – so it’s pretty crazy that I more than doubled my goal!

(It’s even harder to believe that I didn’t even make a dent in my TBR… in fact it might have tripled in size… 🙈)

Next Month’s TBR:

I get to start my year off by reading some really fun looking ARCs! So keep your eyes peeled for these book reviews/blog tours coming soon!

How did your December wrap up?

What are you excited for in the new year?

Let me know!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.


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