
2020 in Review & 2021 Resolutions: Yearly Wrap-Up

Firstly, I’d like to wish you all a happy 2021! πŸ₯³

Also… GUYS, I READ 110 BOOKS THIS YEAR!!!???? I know for some book bloggers that’s like the norm. But for me it’s HUUUGE! I literally started this year by saying, if possible I’d like to aim for a book a month this year, and see where that goes… Like, for real, my original Goodreads Challenge was 12 books! TWELVE. BOOKS.

It had been honestly a long time – longer than I’d like to admit! – since I had really read more than a book or two in a year. But at the end of last year I experienced something that made me sit up and really question if I was prioritizing the things in my life that really mattered to me.

That’s when I decided I wanted to start reading more. I used to LOOOVE reading when I was a teen… but I lost that love somewhere along the way. So at the start of 2020, after having read a total of 2 books the previous year, I decided I was going to start reading again.

And, boy, did that really take off! πŸ˜…

In a lot of ways 2020 has been one of my best years. I kind of got my life together. I’m in a better place now than I’ve been in a very long time. Longer than I think I realized.

It’s also been one of my worst. It’s the first year I haven’t seen my family or closest friends AT ALL. Not even once. And that’s been hard. I’m so grateful to my partner, but living in a place where all of my support system is far away is HARD. I can’t wait until I can finally see them again and give them all a great big hug. πŸ’•

But overall I think I’ve been extremely lucky this year. And really, I’m just so grateful to that. I hope you all have managed to have the best 2020 you could possibly have had given everything going on in the world right now. You absolutely deserve it. πŸ’—

My 2020 Reading Challenge:

My New Years Resolutions:

1. Read 50 books in 2021.

I know I managed to read 110 books in 2020, but I’m a little hesitant to aim for more than 50 books in 2021. 2020 was a really unusual year – I doubt I have to tell you that – and if it’s taught me anything it’s that you can never, and I mean never, really know what the future will bring. So for now I’ll aim for another 50 books, and if I wind up doing really well I may up that number to 75 books in a few months, but if not, I also won’t be disappointed!

2. Start requesting ARCs from actual publishers!

2020 was the year of bookish firsts for me! Not only was it the year I published my first book review, but it was also the year I started requesting e-ARCs on sites like Netgalley and Edelweiss+! I’ve had so much fun reading and reviewing upcoming releases – an even more shocked that publishers would grant me permission to read and review so many of those upcoming titles! 😱

I want to challenge myself this year (and my “make no waves” personality) to really put myself out there and contact publishers to request – physical! – ARCs for books that I believe I would really connect with. I know that my likelihood of getting approved for physical ARCs – especially since I don’t live in the US or the UK – is much smaller, but wish me luck! It’s more about the attempt than the result anyways. ☺️

3. Up my bookstagram game πŸ“Έ

I’ve been on bookstagram for around 7 months now! …And I still don’t really feel like I know what I’m doing lol. πŸ˜… To be fair I’ve never been very good at making an ✨~aesthetic~✨ instagram feed. But this year my goal is to try! I like what I’ve done with my bookstagram feed so far because it’s clean and simple. But I think I need to find some way to zhoosh it up a bit! Maybe find some cute props to go along with my book covers or something like that… πŸ€”

4. Participate in a readathon!

I had never heard about a “readathon” until I joined the online bookish community. At first I found them kind of intimidating – I am a mood reader after all, and waver between reading almost nothing and reading EVERYTHING often. But this year I want to try one out anyways and see if I like it! It sounds like such a fun way to get to know more people in the bookish community, which is something I would really love to do (especially given how much of a shy, introvert I am when it comes to meeting new people online). πŸ™ˆ

5. Organize (and follow-through on) a buddy read.

Similar to the last resolution, this is another bookish thing I’d like to try that I had never heard about until joining book twitter! I have tried to do buddy reads before with my IRL friends and family… buuut it never seems to work out. I’m hoping that by organizing one with a fellow book blogger we might be able to have a bit more success! So if you’re looking to do a buddy read yourself next year, definitely count me in! I’d love to participate~ πŸ₯°

What about you? Did you achieve all your 2020 reading goals?

What are you hoping to accomplish in 2021?

Let me know!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.


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