• Discussions

    My 3 Reading Goals for the New Year

    Now that we’re more than two weeks into the new year (time flies, am I right??), I thought it might be fun to write a post where I talk about the 3 goals I’m hoping to guide my reading practices…

  • Book Reviews

    Love Your Life by Sophie Kinsella: ARC Book Review

    When Aria and Dutch meet at a writer’s retreat in Italy sparks fly, and the two quickly find themselves in the midst of a whirlwind romance. Things just seem to “click” between them. (Proof once and for all that meeting…

  • Book Reviews

    The Push by Ashley Audrain: ARC Book Review

    Blythe comes from a long line of poor mothers and broken homes. Her husband, Fox’s family, on the other hand, is anything but dysfunctional. So when Fox starts to push for the two of them to have a child of…

  • Wrap-Ups

    2020 in Review & 2021 Resolutions: Yearly Wrap-Up

    Firstly, I’d like to wish you all a happy 2021! šŸ„³ Also… GUYS, I READ 110 BOOKS THIS YEAR!!!???? I know for some book bloggers that’s like the norm. But for me it’s HUUUGE! I literally started this year by…

  • Wrap-Ups

    December 2020: Monthly Wrap-Up

    Happy New Year’s Eve!! šŸ¾ I hope you’re all having a wonderful time ringing in the new year, whether it’s cuddled up on the couch in your PJs, or getting wasted at a Zoom party (lol). 2020 has been quite…

  • Book Reviews

    The War Widow by Tara Moss: ARC Book Review

    Billie Walker could hardly be described as doing – or being – what is “expected” of a typical Australian woman in 1946. A war reporter during the Second World War, Billie has now returned to Sydney, Australia, having lost both…

  • Recommendations

    My Top Ten Reads from 2020

    2020 was my first year as a book blogger! And since becoming a book blogger I’ve had the opportunity to read a lot of fantastic books, many of which were recently published in 2020 too! Since the year is ending,…