• Book Tags & Awards

    Tag: My Blog’s Name in Books

    Firstly, I’d like to thank Dorothy from Starlit Shelves for tagging me in this challenge – created by Lynne at Fictionophile! ✨ While it was a lot of fun, it also definitely made me question why I chose such a…

  • Wrap-Ups

    August 2020: Monthly Wrap-Up

    In a lot of ways my life went back to normal (pre-COVID 19) – or, as close to normal as possible – this past month. I started working again, and with the new school semester about to start up, I…

  • Book Reviews

    Fable by Adrienne Young: ARC Book Review

    Fable lives by five simple rules her father, the infamous pirate captain, Saint told her before abandoning her on Jeval, an island on the edge of the world inhabited by thieving mercenaries. Following these rules is what helped to keep…

  • Book Reviews

    The Switch by Beth O’Leary: ARC Book Review

    The Switch is the story of Eileen Cotton, a newly-single grandmother just shy of 80, and her overworked 20-something granddaughter, Leena (Eileen) Cotton. When she’s ordered to take a two-month sabbatical after having a panic attack in the middle of…

  • Recipes & Crafts

    Recipe: Mix and Match Iced Tea Sangria

    Taking a break today from posting book reviews to keep my blog a little varied! This is a cocktail recipe I like to make to enjoy while reading, especially on warm summer evenings. 🌅 Two things I absolutely love –…