
September 2020: Monthly Wrap-Up

It’s hard to believe, but September is over already! 🤯

I don’t know about you, but this month was quite a hectic one for me. I not only started back up at school (my final year of my third degree!), but I also went back to working as a research assistant and started my clinical practicum. So I’ve had a lot on my plate.

But, surprisingly, it’s been going really well! It helps that I’m really passionate about my studies, my research and my job, so it’s enjoyable even when it’s A LOT. I’ve also been working really hard at finding that mythical “work-life balance” everybody talks about… and I actually think I’ve found it??? I know. I’m as shocked as you are! 😳

Books Read:

This month I managed to finish 9 books, some which were quite big! (Where the Crawdads Sing, I’m looking at you… 👀)

I’m actually incredibly surprised (and elated!) that I read so many books this month what with how busy I was and all. But I’m really glad that I was able to find so much time to devote to myself and the things I love to do (i.e., reading) despite everything, because I’ve been working hard at prioritizing myself and my needs more, and it at least appears like I’ve been managing to do so successfully! 🥰

Next Month’s TBR:

I thinking about changing up my book review format for a few upcoming posts, and including “mini reviews” where I combine 2 short reviews (maybe 1 to 2 paragraphs each) of similar genre’d books into one post. Between trying to catch up on all the backlist books I’ve had on my TBR for what feels like forever and the number of frontlist books I’ve been given the opportunity to read I’ve been feeling overwhelmed in reading/reviewing them all, so I think this might be the best solution for now! I’m planning on only doing this for some backlist titles, and continuing to give ARCs their own individual posts, but we’ll see! (It’s all very up-in-the-air as of right now).

I also think I’m going to start having to be (even more) selective with the book review requests I accept. I find it so hard to decline them because I know how much effort goes into writing a book and promoting it, and I really appreciate being asked. But when I accept ones I’m not sure I have the time for I wind up putting unnecessary stress on myself. 😓 And at the end of the day this is my blog and I need to prioritize my needs. So wish me luck with that! ☺️

How was your September?

Any books coming out in October that you’re excited to get your hands on?

Let me know!

Liza is a twenty-something book blogger who spends way too much time with her nose in books and feels way too much. She loves cooking, baking, reality tv show watching and, of course, reading. She can be found most often with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Her blog, Literary Liza, features bookish content like reviews, recommendations, and author interviews.


  • Dorothy | starlit shelves

    I love your point about how this is your blog. I keep reminding myself of that on days when I feel like I don’t get the stats I want. I’m doing this for me, and other people just happen to like it.

    I don’t need to read books because someone asks. I don’t need to write certain posts to be liked. I just need to be me.

    (Of course, I also love your blog no matter what you post. 💜)

  • Stephen Writes

    Wow, you read some amazing books last month! Where The Crawdads Sing and Clap When You Land are two of my favourite reads of the year, and I’m very excited for The Silvered Serpents. Have a wonderful October, Liza! 😊

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