• Wrap-Ups

    January 2021: Monthly Wrap-Up

    Hello friends! Happy 2021 (again)! How has the new year been treating you? For me, it’s been a busy few weeks! I started a new job, and while I looove it, it’s also been keeping me preeetty busy! (Which is…

  • Discussions

    My 3 Reading Goals for the New Year

    Now that we’re more than two weeks into the new year (time flies, am I right??), I thought it might be fun to write a post where I talk about the 3 goals I’m hoping to guide my reading practices…

  • Wrap-Ups

    2020 in Review & 2021 Resolutions: Yearly Wrap-Up

    Firstly, I’d like to wish you all a happy 2021! 🥳 Also… GUYS, I READ 110 BOOKS THIS YEAR!!!???? I know for some book bloggers that’s like the norm. But for me it’s HUUUGE! I literally started this year by…

  • Wrap-Ups

    December 2020: Monthly Wrap-Up

    Happy New Year’s Eve!! 🍾 I hope you’re all having a wonderful time ringing in the new year, whether it’s cuddled up on the couch in your PJs, or getting wasted at a Zoom party (lol). 2020 has been quite…

  • Book Tags & Awards

    The End of the Year Book Tag 2020

    I saw this tag floating around the blogosphere and thought it would be a fun one to do before the end of the year! (Just ignore as I step over that pile of unfinished book tags I’ve actually been tagged…

  • Wrap-Ups

    November 2020: Monthly Wrap-Up

    Now that it’s officially December, let me be the first to wish you happy holidays! ⛄️🎄✨ (Yes, I am more than a little pumped for the holiday season; don’t mind me.) I don’t know about you, but for me, November…

  • Book Tags & Awards

    This or That Book Tag

    Firstly, I’d like to thank Chiara from Heavenly Bookish and Dorothy from Starlit Shelves for tagging me in this book tag! It was so much fun to fill out~ ☺️ If you haven’t already, I’d highly recommend checking out their…

  • Wrap-Ups

    October 2020: Monthly Wrap-Up

    Goodbye, October. Hello, November! (I’d say goodbye fall, hello winter… but let’s be real, here in Canada we’re already well into winter.) Yes, it’s been solidly snowing for the past two weeks – so it’s a good thing I’m a…