Blog Posts

  • Wrap-Ups

    October 2020: Monthly Wrap-Up

    Goodbye, October. Hello, November! (I’d say goodbye fall, hello winter… but let’s be real, here in Canada we’re already well into winter.) Yes, it’s been solidly snowing for the past two weeks – so it’s a good thing I’m a…

  • Book Tags & Awards

    The Hallotober Tag

    Firstly, I want to thank Anne from Rooting Branches for tagging me for this spooky tag! (You should check out her blog, it’s awesome!) The Hallotober Tag was created by Jordanne from The Life Of A Glasgow Girl. πŸ‘»

  • Discussions

    3 Bookish Things I’m Thankful For

    In Canada, Thanksgiving happens in October rather than November. And, while the holiday itself is undoubtably problematic, the sentiments behind taking time to feel grateful and pay thanks to the people and things in your life that matter still feels…

  • Book Tags & Awards

    The Classics Book Tag

    Firstly, I’d like to thank Brittany from Book Ramblings for tagging me in the book tag! πŸ₯° The Classics Book Tag was originally created by Vienna from It’s a Books World. Brittany changed up the format a little bit because…

  • Wrap-Ups

    September 2020: Monthly Wrap-Up

    It’s hard to believe, but September is over already! 🀯 I don’t know about you, but this month was quite a hectic one for me. I not only started back up at school (my final year of my third degree!),…

  • Book Tags & Awards

    Tag: My Blog’s Name in Books

    Firstly, I’d like to thank Dorothy from Starlit Shelves for tagging me in this challenge – created by Lynne at Fictionophile! ✨ While it was a lot of fun, it also definitely made me question why I chose such a…

  • Book Tags & Awards

    The Sunshine Blogger Award

    I want to thank Ariel from The Book View for tagging me in this award! β˜€οΈ (You should go check out her blog, it’s fabulous and so, so pretty. 😍)